Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Ways to Prevent Fires in your Home

Accidental house fires remain a serious safety threat to homeowners, renters, and their families. Each year, roughly 3,400 people are killed in home fires or by burn injuries, making them the third-most-common cause of accidental deaths at home. Eight out of 10 fire-related deaths occur at home—the place that is the very embodiment of comfort and security. 

Here are some recommendations to prevent fires in your home:

Cover all unused electrical outlets.

Arrange electrical cords so they neither dangle loosely nor entangle with one another.

Matches, lighters, and all flammable materials should be kept out of the reach of children.

There should be an operational smoke detector installed on every level of your home and
in the hallways leading to the bedrooms. It is an extra precaution to have them installed in
each bedroom. They should be weekly and the batteries replaced every 12 months or less

Set the thermostats on water heaters to between 125 and 130 degrees Fahrenheit.

Formulate an escape plan for every room in your home, with an alternate plan in case the
first option is blocked by fire. Practice these escapes until every member of your family
can perform them automatically

Also follow this important safety checklist to keep your home safe from fire:

Is your heating system in proper working order and inspected for dangerous leaks yearly?

Is there ample air circulation around appliances that are likely to overheat?

Any overloaded circuits, long extension cords runs, too many devices plugged unto one

Fireplaces, chimney free of dangerous build ups that could catch on fire?

Protective grate in front of fireplace to prevent sparks, hot logs from rolling into room?

Kitchen oven hood and far clear of greasy build-up that could cause a fire?

Working fire extinguisher in kitchen, basement, garage, auto?

All family members sleep with bedroom door closed to prevent spread of fire, smoke?

All family members practice fire drill, know escape route, designated meeting pace to go

1 comment:

  1. We are responsible not only for what we do, but also for what we could have prevented. See the link below
    for more info.

